“Introduce yourself”

Introduce yourself  is  the most common expression in Language ETC school at the beginning of each term.

My name is Andrés. I usually live in La Roca del Vallès, a small village near Barcelona. In March 2012 I moved to Bethesda, Maryland,  and few weeks later I began to study English in Language ETC. I work on IT and my hobby is baking. Since few months ago, I’ve started to bake several typical American desserts like apple pie, cupcakes or cheesecake.

This blog is my 8-week-project for this term and I’ll try to publish each week an American dessert recipe. Learn new vocabulary enjoying is the main idea of this blog. I’ve baked some of this recipes but other will be a challenge for me. In eight weeks I’ll have baked  :

  • Brownie
  • Cheesecake
  • Apple pie
  • Halloween Cupcakes
  • Red Velvet cake
  • Chocolate chips cookies
  • Gingerbread man
  • Pumpkin pie

If you have a twitter account, you can follow me ! @bakingSecLang